3 Things You Can Do To Increase The Value Of Your Streetwear Brand


3 Things You Can Do To Increase The Value Of Your Streetwear Brand

The value of your streetwear brand will play a major role in the growth and longevity of your brand. I know how important your streetwear brand is, which is why you are here. I have a few tips that should be considered when valuing your streetwear line for start ups or major players.

Let’s take a look at 3 things you can do to increase the value of your streetwear brand.

Limit Releases

Limit ReleasesCreate limited releases of your product(s). Design a custom piece of your collection and put a limit on that specific product release. Having a limit of your products will make your product(s) rare, creating hype, urgency and a demand, causing it to bring value to your brand.

As an example let’s look at Supreme, anytime Supreme updates their online store.

Within minutes it is SOLD OUT!

This is caused due to the fact that Supreme limits the releases of their new product(s). The rarity causes a demand for it. This even creates another niche in the industry, resellers. Whether it is sneakers, shirts, hats or accessories, you can always get your hand on something newly released by buying from a reseller for double or more than the original retail price.


If you’re starting out as a brand this may be hard to accomplish but keep it in mind even when designing your new product(s). Create something generic for the general public and some limited items for your collection.

Quality of Fabric/Materials

Quality of Fabric/MaterialsThe quality of your fabric/material plays a crucial role in your brands success and value. The fabric or material you use for your product is what will keep your customer’s loyalty high. Whether you are selling snapbacks, sneakers, joggers, or just t-shirts, focus on the material of your product(s).

Maybe you need to switch from 100% cotton to 50/50 or vice versa? 🤔

One way to experiment with your fabric/material is to purchase samples of your design(s) from your manufacturer. The objective here is to get an idea on what fabric/material you envision your brand using. If you’re serious about your brands value and success, spending money on samples should not be overlooked, this all ties into your brands research and development.

Now you’re probably asking yourself – What if i’m just starting out my brand?

If you’re just starting your brand, don’t worry. You don’t necessarily need to purchase samples, you can always start off with the material that best fits your budget. With time and success you should consider investing into premium quality fabric(s).

Experiment with samples you ordered and decide on the best fabric for your brand. Getting the perfect premium quality material will increase the value of your brand.

Custom Labels/Tags

Creating customized T-shirt label tags can increase the value of your brand tremendously. Especially if you are just starting your brand.

HOW? 🤓

Custom Label/TagsIt gives your brand the perception of premium quality. Not only does it add value but it also adds comfort and brings luxury to your brand. It gives the customer the perception that everything is custom, from the fabric to the print and not a $5 or $10 t-shirt.

Ask yourself this? What looks more professional, a custom label tag with MY brands name and logo or a general label tag with the company name of the t-shirt?

I’m not saying YOU HAVE TO have custom labels but aesthetically and visually it does increase the value of your brand. Consider investing into custom labels, this is vital if you’re serious about increasing your recognition and value. Use the labels as another way to express your brand message, along with your brand logo, and website name.

Last Words

The value of your brand is very important which is why these 3 things I listed are crucial. Think of what you just read and brainstorm on how you plan on implementing these ideas to your brand.

Let me help you with this by recapping what I just wrote;

  1. Limit releases of specific design(s) or product(s). This will help create Hype on social media and the street.
  2. Order samples from your manufacturer. Experiment with the fabric/materials until you decide on the perfect material.
  3. Customize your label tags. This will bring value, comfort and luxury to your brand.

Want to ask me a question? Hit me up on Twitter or here BryanBarrera.com. If you found this educational please share! Other pieces I recommend you to read – how to start a streetwear brand,  6 reasons why no one is buying your brand, and why streetwear is dying?

credit: @stampd @tumblr