I Just Acquired a Half Pipe from Skrillex


For the last few months we’ve had a new neighbor in the workshop. It wasn’t a normal tenant who comes at 10 and leaves at 6 with a cleaner and a couple parking spaces. This was unique. They normally showed up at 6 and stayed all night. Around 9 the building would start shaking with bass and smoke would permeate the halls, occasional strobes and lights shining from the main hall.

skateboard, red bull, skrillex, ramp, miniramp, grinding, skate, half pipe

Bennie rips the ramp during our skate break

You guessed it, Skrillex was in the house. Apparently Red Bull decided to build the dude a club house with his full tour set so they could capture it all on video. The space was so hooked up, it had an amazing stage complete with robot arms and lcd screens up the yin yang. Flanking the sides were the standard Red Bull bars, a couple ping pong tables, some weird hammocks and, drumroll please… a half pipe. That’s right, a 4 foot miniramp brandished with the Red Bull logo sat in the corner of the hall just waiting to be attacked.

Every time I saw the thing my mouth would water, I had to skate it. Since I was in 6th grade I’ve been on a skateboard and it didn’t take long to develop an obsession with the perfect half pipe. I remember discovering and subsequently stalking the one ramp in my town when I was in 8th grade, waiting for it’s owner to come outside and invite us to skate with him. Eventually it worked and we became friends, not just because his parents let him build a sweet skatepark in his driveway but that may have had something to do with it. Much like that ramp of yore, I got to know the keepers of the Skrillex space and asked if they’d like me dance on their coping (aka skate the ramp). They graciously said yes and I graciously took up their offer. I even got Bennie from the workshop to come join me on a mid day skate break.

Knowing Skrillex wasn’t going to be our neighbor forever I inquired what the plans were for the ramp after they left and expressed interest in holding onto it. I knew it was a long shot and no clue where it would go if I actually did get it but I had to offer, I mean, who doesn’t dream of owning a half pipe??!!

skateboard, red bull, skrillex, ramp, miniramp, roof, dtla, skyline, los angeles, skate, half pipe The ramp sits ready for assembly next to it’s little brother (this one was already up there) at its new home, nice digs eh?

Somehow the cards fell in my favor, as they were making plans to pack up Christina from Production Club who ran the space sent me a text “can you get the ramp out of here next week?”. I had a dilemma, I wanted this thing so bad but had no place to put it. A skate ramp is not a small thing and the logistics to disassemble it, move it and reassemble are serious. I frantically started texting all my homies in the neighborhood who could have enough space to house the thing. Justin said no way, Nathanael wasn’t interested, Steve wished he could but couldn’t. Finally Geoff hit me back with a lead, he told me to holler at Wayne and Austin, they were setting up a space a few blocks from ours and had a little rooftop rampage already in the works. Perhaps they’d be willing to add to the park? Somehow these strangers were more than willing, they were psyched! And so was I.

I found a crew to help me move the beast and assemble it, and after 8 hours they just put in the final screw. I’m confident this is going to be the spot this summer. My childhood dream has finally been realized, I am the proud owner of a skate ramp. Now come skate!!

apliiq, miniramp, dtla

Here it stands in all its glory.