behind the seams: meet the durimels


Here’s your chance to get to know the apliiq model behind the looks! Y’all may be wondering who that good-looking stud is on our April daily drops like the egon tank top or dusky varsity jacket. However, we have something to reveal to you: he’s really not one person but two different guys. Mind blowing, we know. Introducing… drumroll please… the Durimel twins, Jibril and Jalan!

apliiq men's streetwear

apliiq men’s streetwear

We were stoked to work with these two fashionistos! Super chill and down-to-earth. Get to know a little bit about who they are.

Where are you guys from?
Paris, France but we left when we were 2 years old. We moved to the Caribbean and then lived in Miami for 10 years. Now we live in LA.

Where do you guys like to hang out in LA?
The beaches and Santa Monica.

What do you guys do?
We are fashion bloggers at

egon tank top

egon tank top

Describe your style?
No particular style. We like to try all styles blend into everything. Open to everything.

What else do you like to do?
We are interested in film production like movies, music videos, and all types of films.

Do you ever play pranks?
No, but did it once in my first grade class for Halloween.

What decade would you live in?

dusky varsity jacket

dusky varsity jacket

Favorite food?
Asian food but specifically Thai food.

Favorite celebrities?
Fashion blogger Denny Balmaceda.

Favorite music?
No particular genre. Our taste ranges from all decades.

Favorite color?

What did you want to be when you were a kid?
Chefs. We cooked for ourselves growing up.

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