story time: batik fabric


A unique type of fabric we have in our fabric collection are batik prints from Indonesia. These fabrics come from large carved stamps, wax, hand-painting, and color dye. The designs range from intricate details to simple designs.

clouded fabric

clouded fabric

The Indonesian batik is one of the country’s most developed art forms. Certain designs have been associated with traditional ceremonies or associated with the geographic location of the country. This art form had started in its island of Java, although some influences were traced back to Africa and the Middle East.

fables fabric flat

fables fabric flat

The Javanese kraton batik is the oldest type of all batiks with restrictions of who gets to wear which design and motif. For example, the Ciberon kraton batik could only be worn by sultans in the kingdom.

Some batik fabric symbolized “good luck” charms or as a way to ward off evil spirits.

It’s pretty interesting to learn about the different methods and materials countries use when they design their fabrics. You can design your own clothes with these fabrics and create a specific meaning to them, just like the royalty.