what is art?


What is art? To some, there’s a simple answer. To others, it may not be complex. Some people have the answer right away and can say it in one sentence and others have written a whole book on it.

To some, that question can be translated as, “What do you consider is art?” “What makes art?” “What’s the definition of art?” “What’s the perspective of art in separate cultures?”

The Dream by Pablo Picasso

Is art simple or complex? If you become creative, would you be considered as an artist?

One definition could possibly be that art is the product of creative imagination and expression formed into something physical or something that other people can observe with at least one of their natural senses. Paintings and drawings is not the only form of art. There is music. Film. Theater. Architecture. There is cooking and food. There is writing. There is even the art of conversation. Art includes many genres, if that’s what you want to call it.

“The Bizarre Street Art of Daan Botlek” – thisiscolossal.com

Many art pieces in this world may function as something to make your wall more aesthetically pleasing, but many other works defy the normative beauty. Ever wonder if you could sell your own sh*t as art? You’re not the first one to think about it. Piero Manzoni was an artist who did just that. Most of his art were not dependent on paint, oils, clay, etc. but things that you couldn’t acquire from a regular arts and crafts store. He sold cans of human excrement. Cans of poo. No one ever opened these cans. Each one costs more than a brand new car.

For us, fashion is one of the biggest forms of art. It’s regarded as a visual and kinesthetic form of expression. It goes with photographic art, theater art, and even street art.

“Snap, Crackle, Pop” by Evan Lorberbaum

Urban Camo by SIVE

Urban Camo by SIVE



Soundsuit by Nick Cave

At Apliiq, we encourage people to express themselves through what they wear, and it doesn’t have to be extravagant. We try our best to acquire all types of fabrics so people can choose a design that fits who they are or who they want to be.

the minty cocoa hoodie

the minty cocoa hoodie

the jackfruit henley tee

the jackfruit henley tee

What is art to you?