How To Get People To Collaborate With You


how to get people to collaborate with you

Why Some people are almost always magnetic

They draw people in by the way they act and what they say. As a campus rep, you want to draw people in too so they are excited to work with you.

Sure some people “just have it.” And you can have it to, by improving the way you position your personal brand.

The Secret Formula- 3 Simple Questions To Answer When Talking About Yourself

The most compelling way to talk about yourself is answering these questions in this order.


By far and away, the most compelling question to answer is why. Why do you do what you do? What are your guiding principles? What are you trying to achieve that is bigger than you, bigger than this single moment. It is your reasons behind your actions that create a foundation for a strong collaboration.
Let me give you a quick example,

“I love working on creative projects and bringing ideas to life.” (This is why you do something. The key to what motivates and drives you. You are a creator. It can also be extremely effective as something you believe in, something that compels you to action.)

“I have collaborated with a bunch of groups on campus, to help them bring their projects to life.” (This is a little bit about how you do your work. It could be about design principles that you like, or how you work with customers.)

“For example, we just made these awesome pocket t shirts.” (This is what.)

Here is another example, with how we talk about Apliiq;

“We believe that creativity and entrepreneurship provide more rewarding lives.” (Why we do what we do.)

“We help college students start and grow their brands on campus,” (How we do it)

“by creating custom t shirts unlike anyone else.” (What we do)

Still not convinced yet?

Then listen to Simon Sinek’s powerful Ted Talk:

Take a minute to write down your personal why, how and what.

There are no right and wrong answers, but using this format will help you engage new people and draw them in to collaborate with you.

Now that you know how to meet all the right people and get them to work with you, lets make sure you spend your time with them as effectively as possible.